Нарушения чтения у младших школьников артикул 9613c.
Нарушения чтения у младших школьников артикул 9613c.

В книге представлены экспериментальные данные по проблеме нарушения чтения у учащихся начальных классов общеобразовательной школы; приводятся характеристики устной оефуя речи и зрительных функций, обеспечивающих процесс чтения; выделяются основные виды ошибок, возникающих при овладении навыком чтения и связанных преимущественно с дефицитом устной речи или нарушениями зрительных функций; описаны их соотношения Большое внимание уделяется диагностике нарушений чтения, предлагается процедура стандартизированной оценки сформированности данного навыка На основе полученных результатов уточняются представления о содержании профилактики нарушений чтения, предлагается система коррекционно-развивающей работы по формированию зрительных гностических и моторных функций у детей Книга представляет интерес для широкого круга специалистов, работающих с детьми дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста (логопедов, учителей начальных классов, психологов, воспитателей), студентов и аспирантов педагогических вузов, а также для родителей, чьи дети только учатся читать или испытывают трудности в овладении этим навыком Автор Маргарита Русецкая.  Серия: Коррекционная педагогика.

How To Start Your Own Successful Insurance Agency артикул 9615c.
How To Start Your Own Successful Insurance Agency артикул 9615c.

This is a step by step instruction manual on the nuts and bolts of how to start your own insurance business It goes beyond a business book by relating the personal side of starting a business, its effect on family and home life There are useful tips for a beginners as well as the most seasoned veteran producer about how to get started on the right foot and оеффе make it to profitability in the shortest amount of time possible This book is based on the writer's successful experience in setting up his own agency and making a family business work.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 0615365531.

Living and Working in London, 5th Edition: A Survival Handbook (Living & Working in London) артикул 9617c.
Living and Working in London, 5th Edition: A Survival Handbook (Living & Working in London) артикул 9617c.

Written in an entertaining style with a touch of humor, Living and Working in London is designed to provide newcomers with the practical information necessary for a relatively trouble-free life It contents include finding a job, permits & visas, health, accommodation, finance, insurance, education, shopping, post office and telephone оеффр services, public transport, motoring, TV and radio, leisure and much, much more It is packed with vital information and insider tips to help minimize culture shock and reduce the newcomers rookie period to a minimum Living and Working in London is essential reading for anyone planning to spend an extended period in London.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 1907339310.

Small Satellite Missions for Earth Observation: New Developments and Trends артикул 9619c.
Small Satellite Missions for Earth Observation: New Developments and Trends артикул 9619c.

This book was compiled from those contributions given at the 7th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, May 4-8, 2009, Berlin (IAA a?? International Academy of Astronautics) which are representative for the new developments and trends in the area of small satellites for Earth observation They reflect the potentials of a diversity оеффх of missions and related technologies They may be based on national projects or international co-operations, single satellites of constellations, pico-, nano-, micro- or mini-satellites, developed by companies, research institutions or agencies The main focus is on new missions to monitor our Eartha??s resources (chapter 1), and the environment in which our Earth is embedded (chapter 2) Chapter 3 deals with distributed space systems, the unique feature of small satellites The university satellites chapter (chapter 4) shows the high quality which is already reached by some of the universities worldwide Chapter 5 gives insight into new developments in the fields of instruments and technologies The last two chapters (chapters 6, 7) deal with subjects, necessary to make use of the data coming from the satellite systems: attitude and position.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 450 стр ISBN 3642035000.

Human Anatomy with Practice Anatomy Lab 2 0 (6th Edition) артикул 9621c.
Human Anatomy with Practice Anatomy Lab 2 0 (6th Edition) артикул 9621c.

Key Benefit: Human Anatomy, Sixth Edition builds upon the clear and concise explanations of the best-selling Fifth Edition with a dramatically improved art program and photo program, even clearer explanations and readability, and more integrated clinical coverage Recognized for helping students establish the framework needed for understanding оеффю how anatomical structure relates to function, the text’s engaging descriptions now benefit from a brand-new art program that features vibrant, saturated colors as well as new side-by-side cadaver photos New Focus figures have been added to help students grasp the most difficult topics in anatomy Key Topics: The Human Body: An Orientation, Cells: The Living Units, Basic Embryology, Tissues, The Integumentary System, Bones and Skeletal Tissues, Bones, Part I: The Axial Skeleton, Bones, Part II: The Appendicular Skeleton, Joints, Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Muscles of the Body, Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue, The Central Nervous System, The Peripheral Nervous System, The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Sensory Neurons, The Special Senses, The Endocrine System, Blood, The Heart and Cardiac Muscle Tissue, Blood Vessels and Smooth Muscle Tissue, The Lymphatic and Immune Systems, The Respiratory System, The Digestive System, The Urinary System, The Reproductive System Market Description: Intended for those interested in learning the basics of human anatomy.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 880 стр ISBN 0321570901.

Журнал руководителя школы артикул 9623c.
Журнал руководителя школы артикул 9623c.

""Журнал руководителя школы" - это, строго говоря, не "произведение" одного автора Долгие годы работая директором школы, я пытался систематизировать многочисленные оефхи "бумаги" При этом использовал не только свои находки, но и наработки коллег Было безумно жаль времени на ежегодное вычерчивание схем и графиков, на поиски необходимой для ответа информации "Журнал" - попытка облегчить жизнь директора школы Фактически в нем заложена вся (или почти вся) информация, которая может понадобиться руководителю Первоначально "Журнал" был сделан для руководителей учреждений образования Южного округа г Москвы, где он проходил апробацию и получил положительные отзывы В его текст внесены некоторые изменения и дополнения по их замечаниям и пожеланиям "Журнал", по общему мнению руководителей школ Южного округа, удобен еще и тем, что им смогут пользоваться заместители директора по учебно-воспитательной и воспитательной работе, заполняя, как и директор школы, свои страницы с готовыми графиками и схемами "Журнал руководителя школы" не является обязательным документом, и, следовательно, его не может потребовать ни один проверяющий Каждый волен решить для себя, нужно ему такое пособие или нет" Григорий Львович Фриш Автор Григорий Фриш (составитель, автор).  Издательство: Дрофа, 1997 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 5-7107-3710-0 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 60x84/8 (~210x280 мм).

Плененные любовью артикул 9625c.
Плененные любовью артикул 9625c.

Прелестная юная Аманда надеялась найти свое счастье в колониях Нового Света — но оказалась пленницей человека, которого считала безжалостным дикарем Не сразу поняла девушка, оефхн что в суровом воине обрела верного супруга и страстного возлюбленного Однако внезапно в жизнь Аманды врываются воспоминания прошлого, ибо из сладостного плена ее пытаются спасти двое — друг детских лет и таинственный незнакомец Как же поступит гордая красавица теперь — как велит суровый долг или как прикажет влюбленное сердце?.  2007 г 318 стр ISBN 978-5-17-026365-3 Формат: 70x100/32 (~120х165 мм).

Advances in Machine Learning I: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ryszard S Michalski (Studies in Computational Intelligence) артикул 9627c.
Advances in Machine Learning I: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ryszard S Michalski (Studies in Computational Intelligence) артикул 9627c.

This is the first volume of a large two-volume editorial project we wish to dedicate to the memory of the late Professor Ryszard S Michalski who passed away in 2007 He was one of the fathers of machine learning, an exciting and relevant, both from the practical and theoretical points of view, area in modern computer science and information technology оефху His research career started in the mid-1960s in Poland, in the Institute of Automation, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland He left for the USA in 1970, and since then had worked there at various universities, notably, at the University of Illinois at Urbana a?? Champaign and finally, until his untimely death, at George Mason University We, the editors, had been lucky to be able to meet and collaborate with Ryszard for years, indeed some of us knew him when he was still in Poland After he started working in the USA, he was a frequent visitor to Poland, taking part at many conferences until his death We had also witnessed with a great personal pleasure honors and awards he had received over the years, notably when some years ago he was elected Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences among some top scientists and scholars from all over the world, including Nobel prize winners Professor Michalskia??s research results influenced very strongly the development of machine learning, data mining, and related areas Also, he inspired many established and younger scholars and scientists all over the world We feel very happy that so many top scientists from all over the world agreed to pay the last tribute to Professor Michalski by writing papers in their areas of research These papers will constitute the most appropriate tribute to Professor Michalski, a devoted scholar and researcher Moreover, we believe that they will inspire many newcomers and younger researchers in the area of broadly perceived machine learning, data analysis and data mining The papers included in the two volumes, Machine Learning I and Machine Learning II, cover diverse topics, and various aspects of the fields involved For convenience of the potential readers, we will now briefly summarize the contents of the particular chapters.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 524 стр ISBN 3642051766.

Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card) артикул 9629c.
Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card) артикул 9629c.

The new edition of Rolf's FINITE MATHEMATICS relies on a rich array of examples and a user-friendly approach to clearly illustrate the utility of mathematical concepts in analyzing and solving problems In addition, the new Edition continues to offer flexible technology integration with optional graphing calculator problems and Excel applications оефцд for instructors who wish to bring technology into the course This Enhanced Edition includes instant access to Enhanced WebAssign®, the most widely-used and reliable homework system Enhanced WebAssign® presents over a thousand problems, links to relevant textbook sections, video examples, problem-specific tutorials, and more, that help students grasp the concepts needed to succeed in this course As an added bonus, the Start Smart Guide has been bound into this text This guide contains instructions to help students learn the basics of WebAssign quickly.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 920 стр ISBN 0538497327.

Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications артикул 9631c.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications артикул 9631c.

Normal 0 false false false Unique in its approach, the Lehmann Algebra Series uses curve fitting to model compelling, authentic situations, while answering the perennial question “But what is this good for?” Lehmann begins with interesting data sets, and then uses the data to find models and derive equations that fit the scenario This interactive оефцз approach to the data helps students connect concepts and motivates them to learn The curve-fitting approach encourages students to understand functions graphically, numerically, and symbolically Because of the multi-faceted understanding that they gain, students are able to verbally describe the concepts related to functions Introduction to Modeling, Operations and Expressions, Using the Slope to Graph Linear Equations, Simplifying Expressions and Solving Equations, Linear Functions and Linear Inequalities in One Variable, Systems of Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Inequalities, Polynomial Functions and Properties of Exponents, Factoring Polynomials and Solving Polynomial Equations, Quadratic Functions, Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Rational Functions, Radical Functions, Sequences and Series, Additional Topics For all readers interested in algebra.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1040 стр ISBN 0321621077.

The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology артикул 9633c.
The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology артикул 9633c.

In its Fifth Edition, this classic book retains its traditional strength of relating molecular physiology to understanding disease pathology and treatment as it explores the current state and future direction of hepatology Painstakingly revised, this edition includes 60 new chapters As in previous editions, a section called Horizons summarizes оефцй advances of extraordinary nature in areas expected to have a substantial impact on hepatology The Fifth Edition’s Horizons section includes emerging topics such as tissue engineering of the liver, liver-directed gene therapy, decoding the liver cancer genome, and imaging cellular proteins and structure To preserve essential background information which has not changed while making room for the panoply of major new contributions to understanding of liver disease, 14 chapters from the previous edition are freely available online at gastrohep com To view these chapters visit - http://www gastrohep com/theliver/.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1216 стр ISBN 0470723130.

Пожар сердца артикул 9635c.
Пожар сердца артикул 9635c.

Переводчик: Т Трефилова Доун Прайс тщательно скрывала свои мечты о настоящей любви, потому что, увы, была замужем - за человеком, к которому испытывала лишь дружеские чувства оефцл Но однажды Доун встретила свою мечту во плоти - мужественного Джека Макхъю, человека, в чьих объятиях она впервые познала огонь страсти Что же выберет молодая женщина - привычное спокойное существование или запретное счастье? Автор Стефани Блейк Stephanie Blake.  Серия: Откровение.

Полночный злодей артикул 9637c.
Полночный злодей артикул 9637c.

Переводчик: О Волосюк Таинственный незнакомец проникает в спальню прелестной креолки Габриэль Дюбай - и для красавицы начинается новая жизнь, полная опасных приключений оефцу и пылких страстей Однако мужественный Роган Уитни, покоривший сердце Габриэль, - не только знаменитый пират, о дерзости и беспощадности которого ходят легенды, но и злейший враг отца девушки Автор Элейн Барбьери Elaine Barbiery Родилась в Нью-Джерси К писательскому ремеслу обратилась уже в зрелом возрасте На сегодняшний день опубликованы двадцать семь романов Элейн Барбьери Она была удостоена многих литературных премий и призов, в том числе премии "Лучший романист года" и.  Серия: Откровение.

Advancing Computing, Communication, Control and Management (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering) артикул 9639c.
Advancing Computing, Communication, Control and Management (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering) артикул 9639c.

This volume contains revised and extended research articles written by prominent researchers participating in the conference Topics covered include intelligent computing, network management, wireless networks, telecommunication, power engineering, control engineering, Signal and Image Processing, Machine Learning, Control Systems оефцш and Applications, The book will offer the states of arts of tremendous advances in Computing, Communication, Control, and Management and also serve as an excellent reference work for researchers and graduate students working on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management Research.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 294 стр ISBN 3642051723.

Поцелуй-искуситель артикул 9641c.
Поцелуй-искуситель артикул 9641c.

Переводчик: Н Васильковская Приглашенный на свадьбу Меган в качестве гостя, Джошуа чуть было не увел из-под венца невесту, околдовав ее одним лишь поцелуем Но то, что этот человек оефцэ любит ее и уже годы ждет удовлетворения своего страстного чувства, стало для Меган настоящим открытием Автор Сандра Браун Sandra Brown Родилась в городке Уако, штат Техас Детство провела в Форт-Уорте, окончила Техасский христианский университет, затем завершила образование в университетах Оклахомы и Арлингтона В начале карьеры недолго была актрисой, управляла парфюмерным магазином,.  Серия: Голос сердца.

Право первой ночи артикул 9643c.
Право первой ночи артикул 9643c.

Переводчик: Е Погосян Кто мог взяться за сложнейшее дело - в короткий срок превратить `грубого дикаря` Мика Тремора в благовоспитанного, безупречного джентльмена? Только эксцентричная оефчм леди Эдвина Боллаш, всем известная старая дева лондонского света! Что должно было выйти из такого партнерства? На первый взгляд - ничего хорошего! Не сразу, далеко не сразу удалось Эдвине разглядеть в вульгарном простолюдине истинного аристократа и настоящего мужчину - сильного, благородного, бесстрашного Не сразу и Мик увидел в `унылой` учительнице нежную, страстную, прелестную женщину Не сразу осознали эти двое, что связаны не жесткими условиями договора, но огненными узами ЛЮБВИ Автор Джудит Айвори Judith Ivory.  Серия: Шарм Коллекция.

The Proposition.
Inorganic and Metallic Nanotubular Materials: Recent Technologies and Applications (Topics in Applied Physics) артикул 9645c.
Inorganic and Metallic Nanotubular Materials: Recent Technologies and Applications (Topics in Applied Physics) артикул 9645c.

This book describes the synthesis, characterization and applications of inorganic and metallic nanotubular materials It cover a wide variety of nanotubular materials excluding carbon nanotubes, ranging from metal oxides, sulfides and nitrides such as titanium oxide, tungsten sulfide, and boron nitride, as well as platinum and other noble-metals оефчц to unique nanotubes consisting of water, graphen or fulleren Based on their structural and compositional characteristics, these nanotubular materials are of importance for their potential applications in electronic devices, photocatalysts, dye-sensitized solar cells, nanothermometer, electrodes for fuel cells and batteries, sensors, and reinforcing fillers for plastics, among others Such materials are also having a great impact on future developments, including renewable energy sources as well as highly efficient energy-conversion and energy-saving technologies This book will be of particular interest to graduate students in chemistry and physics as well as experts in the fields of nanotechnology, material science and inorganic and solid-state chemistry.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 300 стр ISBN 3642036201.

Semantics in Adaptive and Personalized Services: Methods, Tools and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence) артикул 9647c.
Semantics in Adaptive and Personalized Services: Methods, Tools and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence) артикул 9647c.

Semantics in Adaptive and Personalised Services, initially strikes one as a specific and perhaps narrow domain Yet, a closer examination of the term reveals much more On one hand there is the issue of semantics Nowadays, this most often refers to the use of OWL, RDF or some other XML based ontology description language in order to represent the entities оефчь of problem Still, semantics may also very well refer to the consideration of the meanings and concepts, rather than arithmetic measures, regardless of the representation used On the other hand, there is the issue of adaptation, i e automated re-configuration based on some context This could be the network and device context, the application context or the user context; we refer to the latter case as personalization From a different perspective, there is the issue of the point of view from which to examine the topic There is the point of view of tools, referring to the algorithms and software tools one can use, the point of view of the methods, referring to the abstract methodologies and best practices one can follow, as well as the point of view of applications, referring to successful and pioneering case studies that lead the way in research and innovation Or at least so we thought Based on the above reasoning, the editors identified key researchers and practitioners in each of the aforementioned categories and invited them to contribute a corresponding work to this book However, as the authorsa?? contributions started to arrive, the editors also started to realize that although these categories participate in each chapter to different degrees, none of them can ever be totally obsolete from them Moreover, it seems that theory and methods are inherent in the development of tools and applications and inversely the application is also inherent in the motivation and presentation of tools and methods.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 400 стр ISBN 3642116833.

Biology: Life on Earth (9th Edition) артикул 9649c.
Biology: Life on Earth (9th Edition) артикул 9649c.

Key Benefit: Known for its thorough coverage of diversity, ecology, and environmental issues, this comprehensive book engages readers with integrated, relevant case studies and challenges them with thought-provoking questions throughout each chapter The fully revised Biology: Life on Earth, Ninth Edition, has the same friendly writing оефчя style appreciated by thousands of readers, but with greater emphasis on engaging, real-world applications New to this edition are “Case Study Continued”sections, which connect a chapter’s case study to relevant biological topics covered in the chapter, and “Have you ever wondered?” features that respond to commonly asked questions from students Thoroughly revised illustrations and expanded critical thinking questions have been added to each chapter and are supplemented by the powerful new MasteringBiologya?? program that helps students make effective use of their study time outside of the classroom For coverage of plant and animal anatomy & physiology, an alternate editiona??Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology, Ninth Editiona??is also available Key Topics: An Introduction to Life on Earth, Atoms, Molecules, and Life, Biological Molecules, Cell Structure and Function, Cell Membrane Structure and Function, Energy Flow in the Life of a Cell, Capturing Solar Energy: Photosynthesis, Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration, The Continuity of Life: Cellular Reproduction, Patterns of Inheritance, The Molecule of Heredity, Gene Expression and Regulation, Biotechnology, Principles of Evolution, How Populations Evolve, The Origin of Species, The History of Life, Systematics: Seeking Order Amidst Diversity, The Diversity of Prokaryotes and Viruses,The Diversity of Protists, The Diversity of Plants, The Diversity of Fungi, Animal Diversity I: Invertebrates, Animal Diversity II: Vertebrates, Animal Behavior, Population Growth and Regulation, Community Interactions, How Do Ecosystems Work?, Earth’s Diverse Ecosystems, Conserving Earth’s Biodiversity Market Description: Intended for those interested in learning the basics of biology.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 696 стр ISBN 0321598474.

Рискованное приключение артикул 9651c.
Рискованное приключение артикул 9651c.

Переводчик: Л Сазонова Юная леди Эльфлед Маллоран отправилась на сомнительный, хотя и роскошный маскарад инкогнито - под видом красотки полусвета Но рискованное приключение оефшд неожиданно бросило девушку в бурю страсти - ибо именно на маскараде повстречала она мужчину своей мечты Его обаянию невозможно противостоять, его власти нельзя не покориться, но любовь к этому мужчине грозит обернуться трагедией Ведь он - граф Уолгрейв, заклятый враг семьи Эльфлед… Автор Джо Беверли Jo Beverley.  Серия: Очарование.

Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers (8th Edition) артикул 9653c.
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers (8th Edition) артикул 9653c.

Normal 0 false false false KEY BENEFIT: This text is rich in exercises and examples, and explores both elementary probability and basic statistics, with an emphasis on engineering and science applications Much of the data have been collected from the author's own consulting experience and from discussions with scientists and engineers about оефшй the use of statistics in their fields In later chapters, the text emphasizes designed experiments, especially two-level factorial design Introduction, Organization and Description of Data, Probability, Probability Distributions, Probability Densities, Sampling Distributions, Inferences Concerning a Mean, Comparing Two Treatments, Inferences Concerning Variances, Inferences Concerning Proportions, Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Factorial Experimentation, Nonparametric Tests, The Statistical Content of Quality-Improvement Programs, Application to Reliability and Life Testing For all readers interested in probability and statistics for engineers.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 648 стр ISBN 0321640772.

Plastics from Bacteria: Natural Functions and Applications (Microbiology Monographs) артикул 9655c.
Plastics from Bacteria: Natural Functions and Applications (Microbiology Monographs) артикул 9655c.

The investigation and development of plastics synthesized by bacteria is receiving great attention also due to the raising petroleum prices and many environmental concerns related to plastic pollution Recent results and studies of the properties and various applications of bio-based plastics are presented in this volume Polyhydroxyalkanoates оефшп (PHAs), a biodegradable compound, is treated in several chapters: PHAs as energy and intracellular carbon storage compounds, the metabolic engineering of PHA producers, the development of tailor-made PHAs including uncommon monomers, microbial PHA production from waste raw materials, PHA polyesters produced by both wild-type and recombinant bacteria and the production of medium-chain-length PHAs in pseudomonads Further microbial plastics discussed are lactic acid and its polymer polylactic acid (PLA), succinic acid and its polymer polybutylene succinate (PBS), ethylene from ethanol and its polymer polyethylene, 1,3-propandiol as well as poly(p-phenylene) (PPP).  2010 г Твердый переплет, 450 стр ISBN 3642032869.

Microbiology артикул 9657c.
Microbiology артикул 9657c.

The author team of "Prescott's Microbiology" continues the tradition of past editions by providing a balanced, comprehensive introduction to all major areas of microbiology Because of this balance, Microbiology is appropriate for microbiology majors and mixed majors courses The new authors have focused on readability, artwork, оефшх and the integration of several key themes (including evolution, ecology and diversity) throughout the text, making an already superior text even better.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1152 стр ISBN 0077350138.

Грешная и святая артикул 9659c.
Грешная и святая артикул 9659c.

Переводчик: М Головкин Благородный разбойник спасает беззащитную девушку - и становится ее покровителем и защитником? Не совсем так Тристан Трегеллоус, герцог Сент-Рейвен, оефщб не "благородный разбойник", а прекрасная Крессида Мэндвилл - далеко не "беззащитная девушка"! И если для достижения собственных целей им надо объединиться - что ж, тем лучше! Однако вынужденное партнерство Тристана и Крессиды постепенно перерастает в пылкую, пламенную страсть Страсть, которая может подарить влюбленным счастье - или погубить обоих Автор Джо Беверли Jo Beverley.  Серия: Очарование.

St Raven.
Mathematics in Our World артикул 9661c.
Mathematics in Our World артикул 9661c.

The author team of Dave Sobecki, Angela Matthews, and Allan Bluman have worked together to create the second edition of "Mathematics in Our World", an engaging text catered to the needs of today's liberal arts mathematics students This revision focuses strict attention to a clear and friendly writing style, integration of numerous оефщз relevant real-world examples and applications, and implementation of the step-by-step approach used for years in Bluman's "Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach" The result is an exceptionally engaging text that is able to both effectively and creatively convey the basic concepts fundamental to a liberal arts math curriculum for even the most hesitant student.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 864 стр ISBN 0077356659.

Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition) (The Carson Algebra Series) артикул 9663c.
Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition) (The Carson Algebra Series) артикул 9663c.

KEY BENEFIT: Intermediate Algebra, Third Edition, by Tom Carson, addresses two fundamental issuesa??individual learning styles and student comprehension of key mathematical conceptsa??to meet the needs of today’s students and instructors Carson’s Study System, presented in the “To the Student” section at the front of the text, оефщп adapts to the way each student learns to ensure their success in this and future courses The consistent emphasis on the big picture of algebra, with pedagogy and support that helps students put each new concept into proper context, encourages conceptual understanding KEY TOPICS: Real Numbers and Expressions; Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable; Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables and Functions; Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities; Exponents, Polynomials, and Polynomial Functions; Factoring; Rational Expressions and Equations; Rational Exponents, Radicals, and Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations and Functions; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Conic Sections MARKET: For all readers interested in algebra.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 792 стр ISBN 0321607112.

Mathematics for the Trades: A Guided Approach артикул 9665c.
Mathematics for the Trades: A Guided Approach артикул 9665c.

For Basic Math, Math for the Trades, Occupational Math, and similar basic math skills courses servicing trade or technical programs at the undergraduate/graduate level THE leader in trades and occupational mathematics,Mathematics for the Trades: A Guided Approach focuses on fundamental concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry оефщф It supports these concepts with practical applications in a variety of technical and career vocations, including automotive, allied health, welding, plumbing, machine tool, carpentry, auto mechanics, HVAC, and many other fields The workbook format of this text makes it appropriate for use in the traditional classroom as well as in self-paced or lab settings For this revision, the authors have added over 150 new applications, new chapter summaries for quick review, and a new chapter on basic statistics Student will find success in this clear and easy to follow format which provides immediate feedback for each step the student takes to ensure understanding and continued attention.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 830 стр ISBN 0136097081.

Буду твоим единственным артикул 9667c.
Буду твоим единственным артикул 9667c.

Переводчик: Л Сазонова Самый забавный, самый невероятный, самый закрытый клуб лондонского света - компас-клуб Четверо отпетых холостяков, поклявшихся никогда и ни при каких оефщэ обстоятельствах не стать жертвами женских чар Однако мужчины предполагают, а женщины - располагают! Перед вами - история графа Нортхэма, джентльмена, больше всего на свете любившего опасные приключения - и подарившего свое сердце опасной красавице! Ведь загадочная Либби Пенроуз, опалившая его пламенем обжигающей страсти и почему-то не желающая стать его женой, окружена покровом тайны, раскрыть которую Нортхэму будет очень непросто Помочь ему в силах только любовь! Автор Джо Гудмэн Jo Goodman Окончила университет Индианы, специализировалась по морской биологии Работала в фонде защиты детей, затем окончила университет Западной Вирджинии и стала работать врачом-педиатром В начале 1980-ых годов написала свой первый роман - чтобы "разогнать.  Серия: Очарование.

Let Me Be the One.
Avoid Retirement Clumsiness: Secure your retirement against costly and ineffective investment schemes, and achieve true retirement guarantees with a bond ladder артикул 9614c.
Avoid Retirement Clumsiness: Secure your retirement against costly and ineffective investment schemes, and achieve true retirement guarantees with a bond ladder артикул 9614c.

Clumsy approaches to investment planning are a silent portfolio killer Too many investors pay hefty investment costs for strategies and promises that in the end have no place in their overall planning strategy The result of portfolio clumsiness is often years of additional work, extreme anxiety over economic conditions, and overpaying for gimmicky оеффа products that provide less security than proven methods such as a bond ladder Whether you are just starting to plan for retirement, or need to take your investments back from clumsy strategies, this book will give you the information on how a properly structured retirement portfolio provides greater guarantees diversification than most packaged financial products Get ready to bring order and security to your life by eliminating your retirement clumsiness!.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 132 стр ISBN 1449982611.

Doing Your Business артикул 9616c.
Doing Your Business артикул 9616c.

"Doing Your Business is a comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step directionsfor owning a business It uses the personal approach to solving the many problems that canconfront owners as they travel along the road of satisfying market demands and operationalefficiency It emphasizes that all business owners are not experienced in оеффм the techniques ofsupervision or the skills of management As such, this nature is shared by many small “Momand Pop” stores, Dot coms, light industries, or service entities Through its pages, readers will find guidance about when consultants should be hired andwhen the owner may do his or her own consulting to save the costs of outsourcing Griffith cutsthrough the maze of getting equipment for a business and reveals how shortcuts may be madeto encourage employee participation in finding better ways of doing business Also discussed areprocedures, and many of the prime policies are listed for their inclusion within a company policymanual Lastly, an outline is given on how an owner may personally rate the business and howhe or she may get feedback from the customers Richly layered and informative, Doing Your Business talks about how to organize anybusiness and how to measure progress while looking at employee needs and training ".  2010 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 1450076157.

A Living Wage (Classic Reprint) артикул 9618c.
A Living Wage (Classic Reprint) артикул 9618c.

CHAPTER I THE BASIS AND JUSTIFICATION OF RIGHTS The claim to a Living Wage is a right Character and purpose of rights Sense in which natural rights are absolute Men's natural rights are equal in the abstract, but unequal in the concrete They are based on the duty of pursuing self-perfection Other methods of establishing their validity The doctrine оеффс of natural rights incompatible with individualistic hedonism The positivistic theory of rights means in the concrete that some lives are worth less than others It has less theoretical weakness when stated in terms of Hegelianism Fallacy of the popular argument against natural rights The exaggeration of natural rights in the system of the Revolutionary philosophers The doctrine as here advocated holds a middle ground between semi-anarchism and state absolutism The thesis to be maintained in this volume is that the laborer's c1aim to a Living vVage is of the nature of a right This right is personal, not merely Table of Contents CONTENTS; CHAptER PACE; 1 THE BASIS AND JUSTIFICATION OF RIGHTS 3; II THE RIGHT TO SUBSIST?NQ: AND THE RIGHT TO; A DECENT LIVELIHOOD 27; III THE RIGHT TO AN INDIVIDUAL LIVING WAGE 41; IV THE RICH T TO A FAMILY LIVING WAGe 78; V A CONCRETE ESTIMATE OF A LIVING WAGE 91; VI THE OBLIGATION OF TIlE EMPLOYER · 10About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings Careful attention has been made to accurately pres.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 196 стр ISBN 1440064318.

Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008 артикул 9620c.
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008 артикул 9620c.

The international conference on "Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics", held on February 27-29, 2008 at Wuppertal University in Germany, was the fourth in this series after successful meetings in Duisburg (2001), Greenwich (2003) and Vienna (2005) The conference was aimed at improving the scientific exchange between scientists, оеффъ experts and practitioners of various fields of pedestrian and evacuation dynamics and featured: the analysis of evacuation processes and pedestrian motion, modeling of pedestrian dynamics in various situations, experiments on pedestrian dynamics, human behavior research, regulatory action All these topics are included in this book to give a broad and state-of-the-art overview of pedestrian and evacuation dynamics.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 833 стр ISBN 3642045030.

Handbuch fur Lebensmittelchemiker: Lebensmittel Bedarfsgegenstande Kosmetika Futtermittel (German Edition) артикул 9622c.
Handbuch fur Lebensmittelchemiker: Lebensmittel Bedarfsgegenstande Kosmetika Futtermittel (German Edition) артикул 9622c.

Seit 1991 hat sich dieses Werk in der Praxis der Lebensmittelchemiker sowie anderer, mit Fragen der Lebensmittelsicherheit befasster Berufe bewahrt Die neue, dritte Auflage enthalt ein eigenes Kapitel uber Biotoxine und herstellungsbedingte Kontaminanten Getreide, Brot und Feine Backwaren werden jetzt in einem gemeinsamen Kapitel behandelt оефхв Die praxiserfahrenen Autoren haben die Kapitel im Hinblick auf zahlreiche neue lebensmittelrechtliche Vorschriften und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht In diesem einzigartig umfassenden Werk finden sowohl Lebensmittelchemiker als auch andere Sachverstandige aus den Ernahrungswissenschaften, der Lebensmitteltechnologie, der Mikrobiologie, der Pharmazie sowie der Human- und Tiermedizin verlassliche Informationen fur die berufliche Praxis: Rechtsgrundlagen fur Lebens- und Futtermittel sowie fur Bedarfsgegenstande in der EU und Einblicke in die Lebensmittelkontrolle der deutschsprachigen Lander - Abhandlung aller Waren- oder Produktgruppen nach einheitlichem Aufbau (Warengruppe, Beurteilungsgrundlagen, Warenkunde, Qualitatssicherung, Literatur) - Praxisrelevante Informationen zu Themen wie Novel Food, Functional Food, Nahrungserganzungsmittel und Nanomaterialien.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1222 стр ISBN 3642016847.

Cumulenes in Click Reactions артикул 9624c.
Cumulenes in Click Reactions артикул 9624c.

CumulenesA are organic molecules with two or more cumulative (consecutive) double bonds Their reactions often proceed at room temperature, with or without a catalyst, and are stereospecific, giving the reaction products in high yields a?? features characteristic of a??click reactionsa?? A Cumulenes in Click ReactionsA presents a comprehensive оефхй list of cumulene systems and their reactions, with an emphasis on their a??click-likea?? nature The chapters are structured according to the number of carbon atoms in the system, including coverage of: introduction to the chemistry of cumulenes one-carbon cumulenes: sulfines, sulfenes, thiocarbonyl S-imides, thiocarbonyl S-sulfides, and 1-aza-2-azoniaallene salts two-carbon cumulenes: carbon oxides, carbon sulfides, carbon nitrides (isocyanates, isothiocyanates, and carbodiimides), phosphaallenes, and diarsaallenes 1,2-dicarbon cumulenes: ketenes, thioketenes, ketenimines, 1-silaallenes, 1-phosphaallenes, and other metal allenes 1,3-dicarbon cumulenes: thiocarbonyl S-ylides, 2-azaallenium salts, 1-oxa-3-azoniabutatriene salts, 1-thia-3-azoniabutatriene salts, and phosphorous ylides 1,2,3-tricarbon cumulenes: allenes, butatrienes, higher cumulenes and heterobutatrienes noncarbon cumulenes: azides, triazaallenium salts, sulfur oxides, sulfur nitrides, N-sulfinylamines, sulfurdiimides, and dithionitronium cation Cumulenes in Click Reactionsis an essential guide for researchers and advanced students in academia and research working in synthetic organic, inorganic and bioorganic chemistry.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 562 стр ISBN 0470779322.

Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management артикул 9626c.
Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management артикул 9626c.

This handbook is the most comprehensive and interdisciplinary work on marine conservation and fisheries management ever compiled It is the first to bridge fisheries and marine conservation issues Its innovative ideas, detailed case studies, and governance framework provide a global special perspective over time and treat problems in the оефхр high seas, community fisheries, industrial fishing, and the many interactions between use and non-use of the oceans Its policy tools and ideas for overcoming the perennial problems of over fishing, habitat and biodiversity loss address the facts that many marine ecosystems are in decline and plagued by overexploitation due to unsustainable fishing practices An outstanding feature of the book is the detailed case-studies on conservation practice and fisheries management from around the world These case studies are combined with 'foundation' chapters that provide an overview of the state of the marine world and innovative and far reaching perspectives about how we can move forward to face present and future challenges The contributors include the world's leading fisheries scientists, economists, and mangers Ecosystem and incentive-based approaches are described and complemented by tools for cooperative, participatory solutions Unique themes treated: ? fisher behavior and incentives for management beyond rights-based approaches; ? a synthesis of proposed 'solutions'; ? a framework for understanding and overcoming the critical determinants of the decline in fisheries, degradation of marine ecosystems, and poor socio-economic performance of many fishing communities; ? models for innovative policy instruments; ? a plan of action and adoption pathways to promote sustainable fishing practices globally Collectively, the handbook's many valuable contributions offer a way forward to both understanding and resolving the multifaceted problems facing the world's oceans.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 784 стр ISBN 0195370287.

Basic Statistics: Tales of Distributions артикул 9628c.
Basic Statistics: Tales of Distributions артикул 9628c.

Learn statistical reasoning and problem solving from a best-selling author who uses a wealth of examples from the social and behavioral sciences,, education,, nursing/allied health, and business fields--as well as examples from everyday life-to help you learn and understand Praised for his clear explanations, Spatz shows you how to start оефцб with a data set, identify the questions it poses, determine and carry out statistical procedures, and using plain English, tell the story the data reveal.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 512 стр ISBN 0495808911.

Dislocation Dynamics During Plastic Deformation (Springer Series in Materials Science) артикул 9630c.
Dislocation Dynamics During Plastic Deformation (Springer Series in Materials Science) артикул 9630c.

The book gives an overview of the dynamic behavior of dislocations and its relation to plastic deformation It introduces the general properties of dislocations and treats the dislocation dynamics in some detail Finally, examples are described of the processes in different classes of materials, i e semiconductors, ceramics, metals, intermetallic оефце materials, and quasicrystals The processes are illustrated by many electron micrographs of dislocations under stress and by an accompanying video DVD with clips taken during in situ straining experiments in a high-voltage electron microscope showing moving dislocations Thus, the users of the book also obtain an immediate impression and understanding of dislocation dynamics.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 521 стр ISBN 3642031765.

Successfully Utilizing CMMS/EAM Systems артикул 9632c.
Successfully Utilizing CMMS/EAM Systems артикул 9632c.

For over three decades, Terry Wireman has specialized in the improvement of maintenance and reliability As an international expert in maintenance management, he has assisted hundreds of clients in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim to improve their maintenance effectiveness Through a new 10-volume Maintenance Strategy series, the оефци author makes his expertise in the field accessible to industrial and facility organizations everywhere The fourth volume in the series will show how CMMS/ EAM systems are necessary to support a maintenance and reliability organization in companies today The text begins with the proper methodologies for selecting and implementing a CMMS/ EAM system The text then discusses how to properly utilize the system to gain a maximum return on investment for the system Finally, the text examines the organization and methodology to truly achieve Enterprise Asset Management, an elusive goal for most modern organizations.  2008 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 0831133686.

Molecular and Cellular Enzymology артикул 9634c.
Molecular and Cellular Enzymology артикул 9634c.

Molecular and Cellular Enzymology addresses not only experienced enzymologists but also students, teachers and academic and industrial researchers who are confronted with enzymological problems during their fundamental or applied research In this field is an urgent need for training in order to meet the requirements of both research and оефцк industrial endeavours This book consists of several levels Practical aspects and elementary explanations are given for the benefit of non-specialistsa?? and studentsa?? understanding In order to facilitate the task of students, two typographies have been adopted The main text corresponds to basic knowledge, whereas text in a smaller font provides more specialised information Specialists will also find topics more deeply expounded with the principal bibliographic references cited The bibliography, however, is not exhaustive; the choice includes general books and review articles as well as some specialised articles In this book, for the first time, the different molecular and cellular aspects of enzymology are presented together Until now, there has been no book available in which these different aspects are treated in the same volume In addition, besides the theoretical developments, this book provides a wealth of practical information for experimentalists Jeannine Yon-Kahn, Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRS, created and directed the Laboratory of Physicochemical Enzymology at the University of Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) She was Director of Doctoral Studies in the Structure, Function and Engineering of Proteins She was a member of several Scientific Committees (including CNRS and INRA) and is a foreign member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences Guy HervA©, Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRS, was Director of the CNRS Institute of Enzymology and of one of the Biochemistry Laboratories at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris He was also Director of the Doctoral School of Molecular and Cellular Biology at that same university and President of the French Biophysical Society.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 353 стр ISBN 3642012272.

AHFS Drug Information 2010 артикул 9636c.
AHFS Drug Information 2010 артикул 9636c.

Written and published by pharmacists and reviewed by over 500 experts, "AHFS DI" is the most comprehensive evidence-based source of drug information complete with therapeutic guidelines and off-label uses The only print compendium designated by the US Congress, "AHFS DI" is also the only reference published by a non-profit оефцо scientific association - ensuring it is the most authoritative and best-selling reference trusted by pharmacists for more than 50 years "AHFS Drug Information" is a detailed and comprehensive drug monograph delivering valuable information and therapeutic guidelines to even the most complex questions Don't waste time searching other references when you know you will always find the answer you can trust to be accurate inside - everytime.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 4000 стр ISBN 1585282472.

Desertification and Its Control in China артикул 9638c.
Desertification and Its Control in China артикул 9638c.

"Desertification and Its Control in China" comprehensively discusses desertification from the views of formation, distribution, development and control models This book truly elucidates basic theory and control models of desertification, especially the numerous results from research carried out for the UN Convention to Combat оефцф Desertification This book will provide a theoretical and practical basis for ecological and environmental planning and design as well as guidelines for prevention/restoration for desertification projects It will also provide practical examples Dr Longjun Ci earned her degree at Cornell University; she is a lead research scientist at the Chinese Academy of Forestry Dr Xiaohui Yang earned his degree at Beijing Forestry University; he is an Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 500 стр ISBN 3642018688.

Photophysics of Organometallics (Topics in Organometallic Chemistry) артикул 9640c.
Photophysics of Organometallics (Topics in Organometallic Chemistry) артикул 9640c.

Arvind Kumar, Shih-Sheng Sun, and Alistair J Lees: Photophysics and Photochemistry of Organometallic Rhenium Diimine Complexes; Conor Long: Photophysics of CO Loss from Simple Metal Carbonyl Complexes; Antonin Vlcek Jr: Ultrafast Excited-State Processes in Re(I) Carbonyl-Diimine Complexes: From Excitation to Photochemistry; Kenneth оефцъ Kam-Wing Lo: Exploitation of Luminescent Organometallic Rhenium(I) and Iridium(III) Complexes in Biological Studies; Maria L Muro , Aaron A Rachford , Xianghuai Wang, and Felix N Castellano: Platinum II Acetylide Photophysics; Andreas F Rausch, Herbert H H Homeier, and Hartmut Yersin: Organometallic Pt(II) and Ir(III) Triplet Emitters for OLED Applications and the Role of Spin–Orbit Coupling: A Study Based on High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 239 стр ISBN 3642047289.

Love Don't Live Here No More: Book One of Doggy Tales артикул 9642c.
Love Don't Live Here No More: Book One of Doggy Tales артикул 9642c.

Hip-hop megastar Snoop Dogg and award-winning playwright David E Talbert join forces to bring you the unforgettable saga of an aspiring young rapper who finds himself at several crossroads at once, where everything, including himself, is about to suddenly change The year is 1989, Long Beach, California When Ulysses Jeffries's mother decides оефчд to move her family from the drug-infested East Side to what she believes is safer North Long Beach, Ulysses and his little brother Bing are hurled into a world like none they've experienced before Instead of moving on up, they've just moved on over From a classically trained piano-playing gangster named Buddha, to the next-door neighbor, a foster mother turned basehead named Crazy Betty, to Uncle Mike, a freeloading relative who has a knack for showing up when times are good and a knack for leaving just before they turn bad -- these characters and more take you on a journey like never before With growing conflicts in the streets, and at home with his mother, Bing, and his mother's new live-in boyfriend Harvey, Ulysses is forced to make decisions that will forever alter his life It's clear that his only chance of survival is through close friends, family, and the music he loves Love Don't Live Here No More is the first in a drama-filled series of novels called Doggy Tales that takes readers from the unforgiving streets of Long Beach to the bright lights of show business The novel also comes with an original single that provides the backdrop to this compelling tale Reprint edition Авторы Снуп Догги Догг Snoop Doggy Dogg Дэвид И Тэйлберт David E Talbert.  Издательство: Atria, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 0743273648.

Озеро Теней артикул 9644c.
Озеро Теней артикул 9644c.

Переводчик: О Лисицына Кейт Рутвен вернулась в Ирландию, на побережье озера Теней, чтобы ухаживать за больным отцом Она не узнала родных мест Дикая природа уступила место цивилизованному оефчп раю благодаря Конору Берку, построившему здесь отель Девушка сначала возненавидела Конора, но постепенно прониклась к нему симпатией Появление ее бывшего друга Бэзила Кента с новой подружкой, богатой и блистательной Эстер, нарушило спокойствие на озере Теней Автор Джейн Арбор Jane Arbor.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Призрак мисс Миранды артикул 9646c.
Призрак мисс Миранды артикул 9646c.

Переводчик: Илан Полоцк В семействе Вогенов из поколения в поколение передается легенда о прекрасной мисс Миранде, призрак которой, как говорят, приносит страшные несчастья оефчш Но юную Розамунду волнуют совсем другие вещи - например, неприятное общество самоуверенного и циничного красавца Николаса, снимающего фильм в их родовом поместье Напрасно девушка забыла о древнем пророчестве Автор Бетти Бити Betty Beaty.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Speech Processing in Modern Communication: Challenges and Perspectives (Springer Topics in Signal Processing) артикул 9648c.
Speech Processing in Modern Communication: Challenges and Perspectives (Springer Topics in Signal Processing) артикул 9648c.

Modern communication devices, such as mobile phones, teleconferencing systems, VoIP, etc , are often used in noisy and reverberant environments Therefore, signals picked up by the microphones from telecommunication devices contain not only the desired near-end speech signal, but also interferences such as the background noise, far-end оефчэ echoes produced by the loudspeaker, and reverberations of the desired source These interferences degrade the fidelity and intelligibility of the near-end speech in human-to-human telecommunications and decrease the performance of human-to-machine interfaces (i e , automatic speech recognition systems) The proposed book deals with the fundamental challenges of speech processing in modern communication, including speech enhancement, interference suppression, acoustic echo cancellation, relative transfer function identification, source localization, dereverberation, and beamforming in reverberant environments Enhancement of speech signals is necessary whenever the source signal is corrupted by noise In highly non-stationary noise environments, noise transients, and interferences may be extremely annoying Acoustic echo cancellation is used to eliminate the acoustic coupling between the loudspeaker and the microphone of a communication device Identification of the relative transfer function between sensors in response to a desired speech signal enables to derive a reference noise signal for suppressing directional or coherent noise sources Source localization, dereverberation, and beamforming in reverberant environments further enable to increase the intelligibility of the near-end speech signal.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 342 стр ISBN 3642111297.

Расцветающая роза артикул 9650c.
Расцветающая роза артикул 9650c.

Переводчик: П Рубцов Кэтлин Браун проделала долгий путь из Англии в Италию Она хотела повидать сводную сестру Арлетт, которая сообщала, что счастлива в Венеции и скоро станет оефша женой графа ди Рини В палаццо семейства ди Рини Кэтлин познакомилась с обольстительным Эдуардом Мороком и узнала, что все рассказы Арлетт - обман, а сама она здесь больше не живет Кэтлин хочет узнать, что же произошло на самом деле, и принимает предложение графа и его сестры Бьянки пожить в палаццо Автор Сьюзен Барри Susan Barrie.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th Edition) артикул 9652c.
Introductory Circuit Analysis (12th Edition) артикул 9652c.

For DC/AC Circuit Analysis courses requiring a comprehensive, classroom tested and time tested text with an emphasis on circuit analysis and theory THE most widely acclaimed text in the field for more than three decades, Introductory Circuit Analysis provides introductory-level students with the most thorough, understandable presentation оефше of circuit analysis available Exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, practical applications, and comprehensive coverage of essentials provide students with a solid, accessible foundation.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1200 стр ISBN 0137146663.

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (6th Edition) артикул 9654c.
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (6th Edition) артикул 9654c.

For one- or two-semester courses in Electromagnetics Widely acclaimed both in the U S and abroad, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits and new electromagnetics material Ulaby begins coverage with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications Maintaining its student-friendly оефшо approach, this revision introduces full color and incorporates feedback from instructors and students.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 552 стр ISBN 0132139316.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy (3rd Edition) артикул 9656c.
Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy (3rd Edition) артикул 9656c.

Filled with lively vignettes and cutting-edge research that highlight the intrinsic appeal of microbiology, Bauman’s Second Edition retains the book’s groundbreaking art program, includes a handy new “Microbe-at-a-Glance” feature, offers new options for the Microbiology Place website/CD-Rom, and provides instructors with оефшс a new Media Manager presentation package with 30 multi-step animations KEY TOPICS: A Brief History of Microbiology, The Chemistry of Microbiology, Cell Structure and Function, Microscopy, Staining and Classification, Microbial Metabolism, Microbial Nutrition and Growth, Microbial Genetics, Recombinant DNA Technology, Controlling Microbial Growth in the Environment, Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs, Characterizing and Classifying Prokaryotes, Characterizing and Classifying Eukaryotes, Characterizing and Classifying Viruses, Viroids, and Prions, Infection, Infectious Diseases, and Epidemiology, Innate Immunity, Specific Defense: Adaptive Immunity, Immunization and Immune Testing, Hypersensitivities, Autoimmune Diseases, and Immune Deficiencies, Pathogenic Gram-Positive Cocci and Bacilli, Pathogenic Gram-Negative Cocci and Bacilli, Mycoplasmas, Rickettsias, Chlamydias, Spirochetes, and Vibrios, Pathogenic Fungi, Parasitic Protozoa, Helminths, and Arthropod Vectors, Pathogenic DNA Viruses, Pathogenic RNA Viruses, Applied and Environmental Microbiology KEY MARKET: For all readers interested in the study of microbiology.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 896 стр ISBN 0321640438.

Turin Brakes The Optimist Lp артикул 9658c.
Turin Brakes The Optimist Lp артикул 9658c.

Feeling Oblivion; Underdog (Save Me); Emergency 72… К данному изданию прилагается буклет с дополнительной информацией и текстами песен на английском языке Содержание 1 Feeling Oblivion 2 Underdog (Save Me) 3 Emergency 72 оефшэ 4 Future Boy 5 The Door 6 State Of Things 7 By TV Light 8 Slack 9 Starship 10 The Road 11 Mind Over Money 12 The Optimist Исполнитель "Turin Brakes".  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Source Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2001 г Альбом.

Machine Design (4th Edition) артикул 9660c.
Machine Design (4th Edition) артикул 9660c.

An integrated, case-based approach to Machine Design Robert Norton’s Machine Design is an up-to-date text that helps students develop a fundamental understanding of the underlying theories behind design problems Rather than taking a “cookbook” approach to the subject that presents a collection of disparate topics, this text offers оефще an integrated approach to machine elements using case studies to illustrate and tie key concepts together Introduction to Design; Materials and Processes; Load Determination; Stress, Strain, and Deflection; Static Failure Theories; Fatigue Failure Theories; Surface Failure; Finite Element Analysis; Design Case Studies; Shafts, Keys, and Couplings; Bearings and Lubrication; Spur Gears; Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears; Spring Design; Screws and Fasteners; Weldments; Clutches and Breaks; Material Properties; Beam Tables; Stress-Concentration Factors For anyone interested in understanding the theory behind machine design.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1056 стр ISBN 0136123708.

Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention артикул 9662c.
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention артикул 9662c.

Long used in sacred ceremonies and associated with good health, the nutritional and health promoting benefits of olives and olive oils have been proven by an ever-increasing body of science From cardiovascular benefits to anti-microbial, anti-cancer, antioxidant activity and effects on macrophages and aptoptosis to cellular and pathophysiollogical оефщк process, olives and olive oils are proving important in many healthful ways For example, reactive components in olive oils or olive oil by-products have now been isolated and identified These include tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid elenolic acid and oleuropein Oleic acid is the main monosaturated fatty acid of olive oil These have putative protective effects and modulate the biochemistry of a variety of cell types including those of the vascular system Some but not all components have been characterised by their putative pharmacological properties It is possible that usage of these aforementioned products may have beneficial application in other disease However, in order for this cross-fertilization to take place, a comprehensive understanding of olives and olive oils is required Finding this knowledge in a single volume provides a key resource for scientists in a variety of food an nutritional roles Key Features:* Explores olives and olive oil from their general aspects to the detailed level of important micro-and micronutrients * Includes coverage of various methodologies for analysis to help scientists and chemists determine the most appropriate option for their own studies, including those of olive-related compounds in other foods* Relates, in a single volume resource, information for food and nutritional chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, nutritionists and dieticians * Presents information in three key categories: General aspects of olives an olive oils; Nutritional, pharmacological and metabolic properties of olives and olive oil; Specific components of olive oil and their effects on tissue and body systems.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 1520 стр ISBN 0123744202.

Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications (4th Edition) артикул 9664c.
Intermediate Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications (4th Edition) артикул 9664c.

Normal 0 false false false Unique in its approach, the Lehmann Algebra Series uses curve fitting to model compelling, authentic situations, while answering the perennial question “But what is this good for?” Lehmann begins with interesting data sets, and then uses the data to find models and derive equations that fit the scenario This interactive оефщр approach to the data helps students connect concepts and motivates them to learn The curve-fitting approach encourages students to understand functions graphically, numerically, and symbolically Because of the multi-faceted understanding that they gain, students are able to verbally describe the concepts related to functions Linear Equations and Linear Functions, Modeling with Linear Functions, Systems of Linear Equations, Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Polynomial Functions, Quadratic Functions, Rational Functions, Radical Functions, Sequences and Series, Additional Topics For all readers interested in algebra.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 720 стр ISBN 032162095X.

Free-Radical Retrograde-Precipitation Polymerization (FRRPP): Novel Concept, Processes, Materials, and Energy Aspects артикул 9666c.
Free-Radical Retrograde-Precipitation Polymerization (FRRPP): Novel Concept, Processes, Materials, and Energy Aspects артикул 9666c.

The book pertains to unique phenomenological features of a potentially runaway polymerization reaction process that is apparently brought under control through a mass and energy confining mechanism It integrates the combination of various concepts in order to explain a collection of experimental observations, which includes entrapment оефщъ of reactive intermediates as well as their energy contents, nucleated thermal hot spots beyond adiabatic rise temperatures, and nanoscale confinement behavior that has been used for fine patterning of polymers Toward the end, the author of the book will try to use whatever understanding that has been formulated about the Free-Radical Retrograde-Precipitation Polymerization (FRRPP) process to relate it to various materials including environmentally-reponsible and energy-relevant types, and inherent control of energetic systems.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 312 стр ISBN 3642030246.

Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology артикул 9668c.
Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology артикул 9668c.

While there is a wide selection of 'by experts, for expertsa?? books in statistics and molecular biology, there is a distinct need for a book that presents the basic principles of proper statistical analyses and progresses to more advanced statistical methods in response to rapidly developing technologies and methodologies in the field of molecular оефъв biology Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology strives to fill that gap by covering basic and intermediate statistics that are useful for classical molecular biology settings and advanced statistical techniques that can be used to help solve problems commonly encountered in modern molecular biology studies, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, hidden Markov models, methods for manipulation and analysis of high-throughput microarray and proteomic data, and methods for the synthesis of the available evidences This detailed volume offers molecular biologists a book in a progressive style where basic statistical methods are introduced and gradually elevated to an intermediate level, while providing statisticians knowledge of various biological data generated from the field of molecular biology, the types of questions of interest to molecular biologists, and the state-of-the-art statistical approaches to analyzing the data As a volume in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biologya?? series, this work provides the kind of meticulous descriptions and implementation advice for diverse topics that are crucial for getting optimal results Comprehensive but convenient, Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology will aid students, scientists, and researchers along the pathway from beginning strategies to a deeper understanding of these vital systems of data analysis and interpretation within one concise volume.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 548 стр ISBN 1607615789.

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